Having someone who can file potential customers tax refund allows for you to be able to get a sale when they would regularly not have a down payment. The rate of tax preparation will not be charged directly if they were to use the tax prep service and to purchase a vehicle while they are there. If they were to Purchase a vehicle the cost for preparing the taxes will be taken out of the commission of the vehicle so it’s no cost up front for customers. The refund will be taken and placed in the account of the car dealership or customer, which ever agreement the customer decides to take.
If you are interested in having a tax preparer work in your office strictly off commission and promoting a “free Tax Prep service” with purchase at your location please call Green Star Financial Services Tim Williams Account manager (404)723-3940 to learn more information about starting a potential partnership in Houston Tx area. Location of potential locations DC Metro Area call (301)445-5850 T.C. Williams for more information about starting a potential partnership.