Q: Who are you, why are you asking for my money?
A: We are a consulting group located in Atlanta, GA. We listen and give guidance for our clients who are interested or have established businesses. Our time and expertise is valuable and every minute taken away from our offline clients, is precious. But the advantage of online consulting is that you can get and find advice at any time of the day or night. And after hours of discussion- we believe our online rate is perfect for individuals who are seeking to sharpen their brand and network.
Q: What is P.M.I.Y.P- What does this website provide for me?
A: This website is a tool for entrepreneurs on all levels to share and gather knowledge; allowing all members to grow in different aspects of their careers. Not only will you learn from other members, but you will be able to share your knowledge and help other PMIYP community members.
Q: After I pay my monthly or yearly dues. What happens next?
A: After your payment is received and FULLY processed-which can take up to 5 business days. one of our consultants will contact you by email and eventually by phone. We will have to discuss topics such as: what is your current industry? how much earnings are you looking to create each year? Are you on a financial budget plan? and more details of your dreams and aspirations. We will also assist you on creating your PMIYP user profile and brand.
Q: How do I know PMIYP is not a scam for my hard earned money? (I know it spells “pimp”)
A: Ha-ha. If only we had a membership every time we heard “that line”! We understand there are many unethical companies out there. They do not disclose all information and charge hidden fees. P.M.I.Y.P. stands for Putting Money Into YOUR Pocket– and we take our business serious. We value your time. And we value ours. We are only charging a low cost to cover our time which we will spend, helping you and your situation on putting money in your pocket. If you follow just one of our methods for success, you will see an increase in productivity and sales by at least 20%. Also the documents and videos that you will have access to will add to your current knowledge of making money and personal wealth- which also has return on investment value.
Q: Are there any hidden fees?
A: There are NO HIDDEN FEES. Our members pay a monthly contribution to help assist administration and other members grow. A maximum of $60 one time a year or $6 monthly are the membership dues. Our time is not free and we appreciate all of our members. All paid dues are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Q: I know how to make money. Why do I need PMIYP?
We all are gifted to live one life. And during our short time, we only can accumulate so many experiences. Our website community is consisted of like-minded entrepreneurs who network with one another to grow their brand and offer assistance to other new or seasoned members- when it’s needed. Imagine a place you can go to and get advice from others who share the same passion-quickly; at a touch of a screen? Do you have a great product or service that other small businesses can use? Why not have a low cost, online network tool on your side? PMIYP allows you to build and promote your own brand and shows you ways to promote and build it further.
Q: Who can I call for more questions?
You may contact one of our volunteer consultants in Atlanta, Ga between 8am-8pm EST
Must say “I would like to Put Money Into My Pockets” when you call for your call to be taken seriously.
Q: How do I become a member?
A: Simple. Carefully decide what level of service you want to be with us by clicking HERE.