You have selected the Web design with monthly SEO support membership level.
This is an agreement to have your website web domain to be transferred to your web hosting or the company web hosting, installation of wordpress, the content transferred, documents word & pdf updated, placing a payment system on the site and modernize the image of the website. Our consultants will work with you to design logos and functionality to your website. The logo will be placed on the site, and additional 3-5 extra pages will be added at no additional cost. Once the site is complete will give you a 2 hour tutorial on how to use the dashboard of the site. The site will be completed 7 days from the time of payment. Once the site is completed there will be a payment of $99 monthly which will gives you e-commerce abilities, social media development, search engine optimization and up to 3 hours of support a month, which can be handled simply giving directions over the phone, handling the account after simple instruction and will be handled using report tickets with results. You will also receive WEEKLY REPORTS on your website.
\"If you want to go fast go alone, If you want to go far take others\"
-African proverb
P.utting M.oney I.n Y.our P.ocket
Timothy Williams, Account manager
Terrance Alexander, IT Support
The price for membership is $299.00 now and then $99.00 per Month.
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